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At LeadCon Data CollectionZ, we take pride in providing exceptional customer care to all our clients. We understand that your business is important to you, and that's why we offer personalized support to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions or concerns, our customer care team is available to assist you at any time. You can reach us by phone at +919922181113 or email us at We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience, and we look forward to serving you.

Privacy & Safety


At LeadCon Data CollectionZ, we understand that your data is valuable and sensitive. That's why we take every measure to ensure the privacy and safety of your information. Our app encrypts all data in the back end and password protects it in three layers, ensuring that only authorized users have access to the data. Our security measures are designed to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification. You can rest assured that your data is safe with us. We are committed to providing you with a secure and reliable app that meets the highest standards of privacy and safety.


At LeadCon Data CollectionZ, we take pride in offering high-quality tools and services to our customers. We are confident that our app will meet your expectations and provide you with the solutions you need. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a no-questions-asked refund policy within 24 hours of your purchase. Please note that after 24 hours, we are unable to offer refunds or returns. Additionally, our refund policy applies only to purchases made directly through our website or customer care team. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer care team at +919922181113 or, and we will be happy to assist you.

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